Originally Posted by Daoust
Second. Concerning the above 200 files. I want to print the list of all 200 files so I can use it as a checklist as I go through the new big document to ensure I have all the documents included, and in the right place. But I can't seem to find a way to just print the filenames of all the files. WHen I highlight the list, it opens all the files up, and I don't want that. Now, PRINTSCREEN seems like an obvious choice here, but it doesn't work, at least on my comp. So any other solutions???
Drop out to a command prompt. Change to the directory where all of those files live. Then type:
dir /b /on > list.txt
That will give you an list of all the files in that directory; "/on" puts them in alphabetical order; "/b" puts in in 'brief' format, so you don't get all the filesize and other stuff; "> list.txt" directs the output to a text file, so you can load that file in Word and print it.
If you type:
dir /?
it'll list the other options that might suit you better.