Originally Posted by moosenose
So Islam is NOT a religion that shows very little respect to the concept of religious diversity? Muslims don't generally view athiests as deviants who must be converted, by force if necessary, to "save their souls"?
Everybody says "we must be tolerant of the poor muslims", but nobody ever says "the muslims must be tolerant of other religions or people who believe differently than muslims do". Why is that? Minority status? Well, there are over a billion muslims, so considering the plurality among the religions, they're one of the biggest religions out there. Well, that, and the habit of people who say things that offends certain muslim clerics ending up with Fatwas issued on them... Rushdie wrote a work of FICTION back in '89 that some felt was derogatory of Islam, and they're STILL trying to kill him....even the guy who wrote the "Peace Train" song. Theo Van Gogh criticized Islam, and where is he now? Wait...maybe I better shut up, lest I end up with MY throat cut. Eh, on second thought, screw it. I'm PROUD to be an Infidel. If they want to kill me, let'em try. 
I was just saying that you were being disingenuous.
Perhaps you should step back, take a deep breath, and try and wrap your head around the idea that the majority of muslims aren't trying to kill you.