I think I'm grossly misunderstanding the CDs (Certificates of Deposits). At first I didn't know what it stood for, but now I don't see why someone would invest in them.
Say, for example, I was offered a 4.11 APY CD. If I invested $1000, I would make .. $41.10 in a year? That seems like a horribly low return... am I missing something? Compounding interest or .. ?
EDIT: Just looked around, and found this post:
Is it this? By that math, I would make $1174.81 after 5 years? It still seems a bit low: I can make $174 in two days of work.. 5 ..YEARS?
Originally Posted by My Math
1000 0.0411 41.1
1041.1 0.0411 42.78921
1083.88921 0.0411 44.54784653
1128.437057 0.0411 46.37876302
1174.81582 0.0411 48.28493018