Originally Posted by guthmund
So, you're okay with the guy getting paid 25 million a year? I'm all for people getting ahead and being paid what they're worth, but don't you think $25 million is a bit...excessive?
It's not like this guy is handling dangerous chemicals in an attempt to cure cancer or kill off the AIDS virus. He's not braving the cold frontier of space to settle new worlds for future generations. He's working in an office. And while I'm sure the stress of running such a large company is tremendous, I don't really think it's worth $25 million.
By the way, under the guaranteed contract this guy is going to earn $25 million dollars this year (he'll probably earn more, like OKFU0 said, he wouldn't turn down $25 million unless he knows he can do better.)
In one year he'll make about 5 times what a taxpayer earning $100,000 a year will earn in a lifetime (47 (18-65 years old) * 100,000 = 4,700,000, right?)....think about that.
I honestly don't care what this guy earns, he pays more than his fair share of taxes. This is a brokerage house, with play money, it's not like the cost of what tehy are selling (tehy don't sell a product) is going to raise exponentially because of his astronomical salary.
I work under the belief that every cuts their own deal when they walk in the door, if he can make more than 25 million a year because of the way the company performs - more power to him...
I know brokers who got in bonuses, 100K + a year - in addition to an astronomical salary, and perks.... it's a high stress job, and if they can do it -- who am I to say anyhing.
I'll say again what I object to... people who get something for nothing... his predecessor shouldn't get squat for leaving, the company didn't perform under his care, so he should be shown the door... If the new guy thinks he can kick ass and take names.. .well then- -give him that big fat check... I really don't care...