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Old 07-11-2005, 01:36 AM   #1 (permalink)
simonrex22's Avatar
What good things would you do if.....

you had as much money as Bill Gates.

I live in New Jersey so I would do a lot of cleaning up in Camden, New Jersey. Its the most crime ridden city in the US, at least thats what i heard. Anyway, I would start by making a building. I guess it would have to be pretty big. It would serve as housing for homeless and a psychiatric center for their rehabilitation. They would start out living there for free until they had enough psychiatric help to start working and paying rent. Eventually they would be able to go out on their own. There is a lot more to the whole system, but it could take up five pages explaining it.

Then i would try to clean up the ghettos. I would renovate broken down houses/neighborhoods and make them affordable and pay for more police to patrol the bad areas 24/7. Then i'd start building strip malls and recreation centers or whatever else could make the place nice to live. The main thing here would be to create more jobs also. So people wouldnt have the excuse to go on welfare.

It may not work, but thats what i'd like to do.

Oh yeah, I'd buy the Philadelphia Eagles.
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