I have been struck by 3 different women at 3 different times.
1. In 1985, while at the beach with my then GF, I was feeling all frisky and scooped her up in my arms and ran her out into the surf in a fit of playfulness.
Bam, she cold cocked me right in the temple for getting her wet. (She was 5-11 and a pretty strong girl by the way.)
I was stunned, never hit her back. Just left her standing and swam out for about a mile and treaded water.
2. With my long term significan other, with whom I lived with for serveral years, we were in a heated arguement and she just charged me (5'-6 and the woman had a Phd). Full on frontal assault which I repelled by grabbing her and holding her.
3. (The wierdest one ever) Out on date, she started hitting on other guys at some bar, I told her I was leaving and if she wanted a ride, now was the time. (Should have just left).
We were mouthing off at each other and as she was exiting the car she hit me, I shoved her back, and as she was opening the door, used my foot to push her in the ass right out the door and hit the gas.
So, there's 3 times I have been attacked by 3 separate women (I am 6-2) for whatever reason.
I have never initiated any physical violence. I guess I just drive women to it, orelse have a knack for picking nut-bars (my friends tell me at least.)