The only rules I follow are that I don't take the first swing against anyone, I don't hit back if doing so is more likely to escalate the situation than refusing to react, and I don't use any more force than is necessary. Gender, age, and other variables only factor in to the extent that they are required to calculate the necessary force required to terminate an assault. An attacker is an attacker and
any unprovoked assault on
anyone, regardless of gender or any other factor, is wrong.
Originally Posted by astrahl
Because, as women, we have suffered indignities and abuse at the hands of our men for centuries and nobody cared. We didn't even have the right to vote until very recently. There are still many men out there who value women only as subserviant beings. Just look at some of the recent comments, the article mentioned in this thread and that idiot Nascar guy...women are still fighting for equality in the eyes of the law and in the eyes of society.
The squeaky wheel and all that...
I fully agree that women (and others) have been at a a disadvantage throughout history and I fully support the right of any deserving group* to be treated as equals. I will help them in their struggle if I can, but I will not, in any situation, put someone above others because they have historically been at a disadvantage. I'll pay you the same as a man, I'll treat you as equal to anyone else up to the limit of individual ability (I'm not going to suggest that equality requires a 5'1" woman to cut down trees and haul lumber while her husband does dishes,) but there's no way in hell I'm going to stand there and let you hurt me if hitting back will stop you.
* - I say "deserving group" because I'm not going to be nice to neo-fascists or terrorists no matter how much tolerance gets shoved down my throat.