The fact is that no one should hit someone weaker than themselves, and preferably no one should hit anyone else. Everyone has the obligation to take the moral high ground here--but men especially must realize that they are typically stronger than women and have even more of a burden to bear. Yes, maybe she slaps you once out of anger--but you hitting her back isn't a solution.
Chivalry is all well and good, but there are certainly women stronger than me. Likewise, if they attack me first -- even if its a slap -- its assault. You're simultaneously taking the grounds that no one should hit another person, but excusing a woman slapping me because she's "weaker." Under the EQUAL eyes of the law, no matter who hits me or how hard, its assualt.
I think BenR said it best:
Basically, if she doesn't want to act like a "lady", she shouldn't expect to be treated like a "lady".
You can't ask that we not defend ourselves against "fragile women" if the aforementioned woman is attacking us. Stronger or not, I will defend myself to the full extent of the law
regardless of sex. THAT is equality. Saying that women are weaker enforces gender specific stereotypes and takes you from the "cause" of equality.