Originally Posted by pan6467
Divided houses fall far faster and with less resistance than those united. Western Civilization, and especially America is too divided now. WE are fighting more amongst ourselves then we are the true enemy.
The Right blames the Left saying they don't support the soldiers and the war and want attacks like Thursday to happen.... (Isn't that right, Rove and Limbaugh) And the Right bl;ames countries and leaders that do not agree with their views. The Right chooses to stand alone.
The Left see the Right as making excuses for Iraq and questioning patriotism and loyalty to country. The Left desires to try to be too peaceful, to worry about casualties of the innocent while not seeing that the enemy doesn't. (Any comments Mr. Moore, Mr. Dean?)
Neither side is correct. Both sides are dividing and allowing the enemy to win.
You must fight as dirty as your enemy, there is no true glory nor justification in war, however, if you must fight, end it fast and if that requires fighting as dirty as the enemy then get muddy. More innocents die when war is strung out.
Look at the bombings of Nagasaki and Hiroshima..... they were needed to end what would have killed far far more men.
Stop being divided, find ways to compromise, or I guarantee we shall not win, in fact we shall lose not just by enemy hands but by feasting on each other.
I've disagreed with you many times about differing issues. But the above statement fairly succinctly boils down my position about the current war on terror.There is no "kind" war, war sets up condidtions that are contrary to civilized living. There are arbitrary rules agreed upon by most to pretty it up somewhat, but when those rules are broken by one side holding on to them yourself only costs lives. War is something that, when undertaken, should be done in the most efficient manner possible to end it. And the best way for this to occur is by coming to consensus.