I'm in the same predicament as you are Linda.
You say you don't have very many friends, Neither do I..But lately i have been going out with the friends i do have and meeting people through them. I don't know what you like to do with your spare time, I like to hit the downtown clubs and have a good time AND meet new people at the same time.
I'm usually not very good at giving advice, Actually I rarely do unless it's a close friend. I'm not sure if you have the same interests as the friends you have in doing things with your spare time, Go out with them and you *will* meet new people.
I'm not sure if any of that is of any help, But i know the way you feel. I just moved to a new city a few months ago and i just started hangin out with some guys from work..That was really my only option to meet new people with the same kind of interests as myself..It's working out pretty good so far, I hope it goes the same for you.
"To win any battle, you must fight as if you were already dead" -Musashi