I have to agree that the title was poorly chosen even if the word was used in the article, it makes a generalization and an accusation that is uncalled for. A better title would be: "Study suggests that fewer men than reported are actually bisexual" or something like that. The title reminds me too much of the type of title you see in the tabloids. I agree with martinguerre in that it isn't really up to par with the usual standard of the TFP.
I'm not attacking you though, everybody makes mistakes and since you might not be able to put yourself in the shoes of a bisexual and experience the blows you recive from both hetro- and homosexuals, it is hard to see why this is such a sensitive subject.
Anyway on the topic at hand: The methods, material used in the study and the results are all questioned with merit. There are several flaws in the studies that makes the results too uncetain to make any serious deduction. The only thing they mannaged to establish is that arousal from visual stimuli is uncertain and that bi-men are more prone to be aroused by male nudity than female, there is, by far, too little (or rather none) material evidence giving merit to the claim that bisexuality doesn't exist.
As said before in the thread there are so many other things that can trigger an attraction than looks, sexual activity or nudity.
Smells, voices, personalities etc. play just as big a role in sexual attraction.
This "study" is also a very hard blow to the closet gays who uses a bisexual identity to "ease" into their official gay identity. If they don't have this "safe" haven they are just left with a lot of stress that is completly unnecesary.
If bisexual is thought to mean closet gay then a lot of people whose sexual identity is true bisexuality is going to have a living hell in social situations where their sexuality plays a part.
Personally I think that this is something that shouldn't be published before we know a lot more. A lot of people is going to get offended and hurt by the premature conclusions that may arise from this article. There are too many misconceptions seen as truth in the world already.
- "Philosophy is questions that may never be answered. Religion is answers that may never be questioned.."
- "Religions take everything that your DNA naturally wants to do to survive and pro-create and makes it wrong."
- "There is only one absolute truth and that is that there is only one absolute truth."