Originally Posted by Arroe
yeah, i guess we should just let them continue to push us around..........
the point is, you can't let things like this stop us from saying "this is not acceptable and if you fuck with us you will pay." terrorists fucked with the US and now they have to pay with the on going war in their back yard. to let these people, or beasts rather, go without punishment for their actions is wrong and unjust to the people who died.
what you seem to forget is that
they are the ones who fucked with what you like to call "terrorists" and
they are the ones who did the paying, not the other way around. and the US never went to war in the "terrorists" backyard, they went to war in the wrong backyard that had nothing to do with the "terrorists" that attacked on 9/11. i wouldn't call them the beasts, but i would call the coalition the beast for attacking an innocent country killing thousands...the true terrorists. and you're correct, to go without punishment for their actions is wrong and unjust to those that have died, that's why bush, blair and the rest of the war criminals and killers must be brought to justice and punished severely.
or is an iraqi civilians life worth less than that of an american or brit?
that's exactly what seems to be the case, sadly. clearly the iraqi life was of little value to begin with to many americans considering the support of the war, now that the occupation has been over there for several years, it seems to have become a 'norm' in peoples lives. the iraqi civilian life is certainly worth no less than any other life, and those who think otherwise are delusional racist scum. it is disgusting that when a western life is taken, the whole world is in shock and mourning, yet we have dozens of innocent iraqis dying basically on a daily basis, and we don’t see much shock or sadness over that. yet, if 1 american or brit gets beheaded, you will hear nothing else on the news for several weeks. it's simply a way of dehumanizing the so called "enemy" and making the westerners into saints. we had an attack that killed estimated 40 the other day, that seems to be the average in iraq, and i believe the number of dead in traffic accidents in my state alone daily. it's all fine and dandy to mourn the lives of those lost, but when some get more consideration then others, it's sickening.