Originally Posted by Rdr4evr
unfortunate for the innocent muslims that will likely be attacked and treated as animals in the same fashion americans treated and continue to treat muslims after 9/11. this is an event that will bring together those who wish to exterminate the 'enemy' and wreak racism and hatred rather than unity and justice as they like to call it. attack innocent countries, murder innocent people, expect retaliation, it's not shocking nor is it surprising. those who wish to exterminate islam are no different than those they condemn. it's awful what happened to the innocent lives lost and injured in these attacks, by innocent i mean those who don't support their corrupt govt. and the backing of the us in iraq. expect more attacks, expect more death, thank the coalition forces. denmark is likely next, would probably make a rather simple target.
I without reservation disagree with the spirit and most of the words of this rant. Thank God views like yours didn't prevail in World War II.