I have found that complimenting a woman's sense of style will go a long way, especially if you know that she dressed up and made a concerted effort to look damn good. Example: "That top/blouse really compliments out your eyes." As simple as this statement is it can show a lot:
you noticed her shirt --> you noticed her eyes--> you used the ol noggin to put simple observations into a stream of coherent words that make someone else feel good --> by noticing her eyes, that means you are making eye contact, which is good --> eye contact shows interest --> women like men being interested in them --> women notice men who are interested in them
Also pay attention to detail. This may actually require a bit more work, but will work out better, in my opinion. During conversing with a woman who you are interested in, pay attention to what she says, what she does (actions & body language), and also what she is wearing (clothes and accessories). Obviously you can't just stare at her, so you have to be a little bit sneaky. Pay attention to the small things...shoes, nails, earrings & other jewelry, and hair. If you notice that one of the aforementioned objects just stands out, compliment her on it. It may have some sort of significance to her (i.e. a ring that my grandmother gave her) and she may tell you the story behind it. As mentioned before, the more a woman talks, the better her disposition and the better your chances.