Originally Posted by Seaver
As for Host, thanks for the time saved... I'll be ignoring your posts from now on. Throwing your hat in with the French who believed the Pentagon was hit by a carbomb now? (FYI my uncle was working at the Pentagon at the time, was only a few hundred feet away when it did hit)
Well the French did get the WMD question right. If you still think it was a plane then you can explain why the damage to the outer wall was narrower and less high than the plane reported as missing and why the explosion was white instead of orange - the colour of explosives rather than aircraft fuel. In favour of it being a plane, the lampposts along what would have been the flightpath were bent in the direction of the pentagon, but you'd expect some plane wreckage - particularly from the wings and tail which didn't penetrate the building - and none was found.
Keep your mind open and keep reading Host.