Originally Posted by roachboy
you act as though a desirable lifestyle is some free-floating thing, not connected to an economic sector, for example, which would not only involve lots and lots parts of the production located all around the world but would also involve raw materials that have to come from somewhere and that somewhere would be more often than not elsewhere than the united states. this scale of international economic activity would necessarily entail a range of interactions with foreign policy, which necessarily involves the state and its relations to other states. and so on.
so i can see why you would not consider the economic and foreign policies of the united states and focus rather on the question of "lifestyle" in your analysis of the reason for terrorism above.
and clearly you are right: terrorists do not like you because you like to go to restaurants and you purchase cds. they are just snippy, jealous people who want to live the way you do.
The reason I don't believe the economic policy (especially in regards to the global food situation) has anything to do with these terrorist activities is because of who the people committing the acts are. These aren't activities originating from Somalia, Ethiopia, Sierra Leone, Honduras, Taiwan, India, Bangladesh, Laos, Cambodia, etc. where the effects of the Western world's control of most of the earth's resources are most heavily felt, they are originating from a region where much of the resources (oil) are still under control of the contries themselves. The Middle East is also primarily under the control of autocratic governments with a heavy religious undertone, and that undertone is heavily critical of the Western lifestyle.
And as I said above, I see many people opportunistically using these attacks in London as some sort of political leverage. For instance, despite these bombings being in London, you attributed all the blame for the attacks to the US. If what you say is true, wouldn't the rest of the Western world also hold some of the blame? But doing so doesn't further your agenda as much, hence the need to single out America. And for the record, many on the other side are doing this as well, as was pointed out in a thread about Limbaugh, so this isn't a one-sided tactic.