I say girls instead of women because all of my girlfriends have been 18-20 years old. Very shallow and not to bright. I look at them as girls. I can't use big words in front of them and they can't do anything for themselves. My last girlfriend didn't know how to open a bank account or do a load of laundry. We were watching television and I was watching a documentry about Rodney king and the L.A. riots. She came in and started watching. After about 2 minutes of silence,
"Whos Rodney King?", she said.
I laughed(thinking shes only kidding) Then she asked again.
"You know the L.A. riots?!" She shakes her head.
"never heard of it," she says. Long story short, I blew up and yelled at her. She cried. I just couldn't believe how ignorant she was.
I know I got off subject here, but when I said shes pretty or smart, it worked. The Women of TFP are way to smart for that. I apologize.