"Male violence towards women is digusting"
So are poor grammar and spelling. Too riled up to proofread?
If i had it my way, all these "fucking idiots who cant spell" wouldnt be tried, i'd just string them up and kill them.
Whether I actually believe this is irrelevant. My point is that you made a sweeping, ignorant claim and expect it to be choked down whole. Excellent work.
Male violence towards women may be disgusting. But it's not always disgusting, nor is it any more disgusting than any other type of violence. To claim so is patently sexist. Your claim not only implies but clearly states that that women are less capable than men and must be defended. It also states that because of this, men are less important than women. Am I the only one that sees a slight contradiction here?
Now my take on things. If you hit me, expect to be hit back. It you start a fight, I will finish it. Try to hurt me and you will be hurt. Try to hurt one of my friends, my family. Try to hurt anyone who is not trying to hurt you. I dare you. If you have a penis, expect it to be kicked. If you have a vagina, expect it to be kicked. I don't fucking care what you look like, you will soon be on the floor.