I've been an Windows office user since I ever used any office software. I'm just really familair with everything in Office and don't see the need in changing. As you all said you can't tell the difference between the two when it comes to their native file types besides the size. So there really is no purpose in changing to Open Office. The only time I use Open Office is when I need to type up a quick text document and I'm in a Linux OS and don't feel like getting on Windows just to use Office. If all you do is type text documents then you really wouldn't notice too much of a difference between the two and should go for the one that is most easily obtainable. Alot of schools have agreements with Microsoft to give them their software at a really discounted price or for free, so it is easy for students to get, and I'm sure alot of buisness supply their employees with the software. Some people also don't have a fast internet connection so they can't download the 80 MB files easily.
Compatability is another issue. Since Microsoft dosen't support OpenOffice's native format you would have to save files under MS Office's format if you have to print them where they don't have OpenOffice, or give documents to a company/person that dosen't have OpenOffice.
Perasonally, I wouldn't spend the money to buy MSoffice and use OpenOffice. If I were to get MSoffice for free, I would use it over Openoffice.