From Wikipeadia, the most frequently mentioned potential nominees:
Court of Appeals for the 3rd Circuit
Samuel A. Alito, Jr. (b. 1950)
Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit
J. Michael Luttig (b. 1954)
James Harvie Wilkinson III (b. 1944)
Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit
Edith Brown Clement (b. 1948)
Emilio M. Garza (b. 1947)
Edith Jones (b. 1949)
Priscilla Owen (b. 1954)
Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit
Danny Julian Boggs (b. 1944) - Chief Judge
Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit
Frank H. Easterbrook (b. 1948)
Richard Posner (b. 1939)
Diane S. Sykes (b. 1957)
Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit
Alex Kozinski (b. 1950)
Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit
Michael W. McConnell (b. 1955)
Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit
William H. Pryor, Jr. (b. 1962)
Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit
Janice Rogers Brown (b. 1949)
John G. Roberts Jr. (b. 1955)
United States Senators
John Cornyn (b. 1952) - Republican senator from Texas
Orrin Hatch (b. 1934) - Republican senator from Utah
Jon Kyl (b. 1942) - Republican senator from Arizona
Executive branch officials
Alberto R. Gonzales (b. 1955) - Attorney General
Theodore B. Olson (b. 1940) - Former Solicitor General
Other backgrounds
Miguel Estrada (b. 1961) - Withdrawn nominee for the D.C. Circuit
Larry Thompson (b. 1946) - General Counsel for PepsiCo