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Old 07-08-2005, 12:49 PM   #64 (permalink)
Originally Posted by roachboy is a choice.
it is the choice made by this administration in the days following 9/11/2001.
"terrorism" has been the bush administrations' necessary opposite since.
it has kept them in power.
that is what it is about--not an analysis of the facts of the matter, not an explanation for why such actions might be mounted, not the basis for a coherent response to such attacks. it is about fear. it is about routing fear into a consent for an authoritarian politics. it is about maintaining that consent........
Staying "in power" is but a prerequisite for manipulating the populaces of primarily the Anglo-American nations via fear, into relinquishing what remain of their civil liberties and the right to vote in free, unhindered elections, to the state. I attempted to demonstrate in my last post, (and in several on other threads here in the past), that the Bush administraion will say and do anything to further feed the fear to hasten the goal. Question everything that they tell you, and watch what they do, and most importantly, see who benefits from each incident of internal "terror". Are Bush and Blair stronger politically today than they were two days ago? What is the focus of the G8 summit today, compared to what it was two days ago?

Look at where Ahmed Chalabi and his "news stooge", Judith Miller were recently......
Embedded Reporter's Role In Army Unit's Actions Questioned by Military

By Howard Kurtz
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, June 25, 2003; Page C01

New York Times reporter Judith Miller played a highly unusual role in an Army unit assigned to search for dangerous Iraqi weapons, according to U.S. military officials, prompting criticism that the unit was turned into what one official called a "rogue operation."

More than a half-dozen military officers said that Miller acted as a middleman between the Army unit with which she was embedded and Iraqi National Congress leader Ahmed Chalabi, on one occasion accompanying Army officers to Chalabi's headquarters, where they took custody of Saddam Hussein's son-in-law. She also sat in on the initial debriefing of the son-in-law, these sources say.

Since interrogating Iraqis was not the mission of the unit, these officials said, it became a "Judith Miller team," in the words of one officer close to the situation.

In April, Miller wrote a letter objecting to an Army commander's order to withdraw the unit, Mobile Exploitation Team Alpha, from the field. She said this would be a "waste" of time and suggested that she would write about it unfavorably in the Times. After Miller took up the matter with a two-star general, the pullback order was dropped..........
Chalabi 'tipped off Iran about spy codes'

Mark Oliver and agencies
Wednesday June 2, 2004

The controversial Iraqi politician Ahmad Chalabi, a former favourite of the Pentagon who has recently fallen out with Washington, was today embroiled in allegations that he tipped off Tehran that US agents had cracked the secret codes of its intelligence service...........

.......As recently as last month, the INC was on the US government payroll, receiving around £180,000 a month from the defence department for intelligence under a specific authorisation from Congress.

The New York and Los Angeles papers said they had learned some details of widely reported US assertions last month that Mr Chalabi had given classified material to Iran, but had agreed not to publish those details at the request of US officials who said to do so would endanger an ongoing investigation.

Mr Chalabi spoke out against the US last month after his home in an upmarket district of Baghdad was searched by Iraqi police, accompanied by US troops, who seized papers and computers. Two INC offices in Baghdad were also searched.

The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times said the requests to withhold the information they had gathered were withdrawn today when other news accounts began appearing. A CIA official declined to comment on the reports last night.

The New York Times said that after Mr Chalabi tipped them off, Iranians in Tehran sent a bogus message to Baghdad purportedly disclosing the location of an important weapons site in an apparent attempt to test whether what they were hearing was true.

The idea was that if the United States was able to intercept such transmissions, Americans would react by going to the weapons site. They intercepted the message, according to the New York Times, but did not take the bait by going to the weapons site. .......
Look at them today. She is a martyr, jailed to uphold the right to a free press, and he is Oil minister of Iraq.

You don't know what you think you know, and the only thing for certain is that there is a steady, uninterrupted erosion, of your constitutional freedoms, while federal lobbyists and corporate insiders increasingly benefit from a growing array of lucrative contract awards to them, as the administration "privatizes" the expanding operations of DHS, CIA, and the Pentagon.

I submit for your consideration that the same folks who bring you Miller and Chalabi with newly rehabilitated reputations, have now done likewise for Bush and Blair. They do whatever it takes.........
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