I'm suspecting your modem is bad. I'm also assuming here that you have not "uncapped" your cable modem.
If your cable modem is in the same condition is was when you first purchased it, then its bad. What I would tell you to do is go buy another one from some place like Best Buy, take it home and try it. You may have to call the cable company and give them the new MAC address, depends on the cable provider. If it works, good deal, keep the modem. If it doesn't work, take the modem back to Best Buy with all the packaging and your receipt. They will take it back within 30 days whether the box is open or not. Trust me on that one.
"You hear the one about the fella who died, went to the pearly gates? St. Peter let him in. Sees a guy in a suit making a closing argument. Says, "Who's that?" St. Peter says, "Oh, that's God. Thinks he's Denny Crane."