I am so tired of this bandwagon.
"Stop violence against women!"
"Any man who harms a woman should be killed!(with out a trial)"
Some very trendy and popular "calls to arms," but seriously. I am fucking tired of it. Now, I am not at all violent, I can't recal being in a violent altercation since the 8th grade, not including a breif stint as a bouncer in the 1990's. I am all for the cessation of violence in all it's forms... but why are women so fucking special that they get a whole movement dedicated to them?
The implication, albeit exaggerated, is that all violence against women is so horrid that we need to dedicate all our resources to killing men who perpetrate these crimes. On the other hand... violence against men is perfectly acceptable because they are less valued by society and most likely deserve whatever they get.
Originally Posted by Nirvana
If i had it my way, all these "men" wouldnt be tried, i'd just string them up and kill them.
Well I can't tell you how happy I am that you don't have your way.