Originally Posted by tres
While your half right.... Its still nice to have...... and...yes..I can't wait till XM comes out with a product like XM MYFI with an mp3 players build in... I would pay for that...
Iriver needs to release a XM addon for their H320. That would be the ultimate MP3 player/accesory combo. The only way the Ipod is superior over other players has to be in it's ease of navigation. I mean that finger dial is freakin' cool. But other then that I find that players like the H320 and Iaudio are the superior players. Oh and the FM radio on my H320 came in handy when I dropped the player from 15ft up onto a hard time floor and it suffered a head crash. I couldn't listen to my audio files, but I had a good local radio station to listen to

-- edit --
I forgot to mention that you can put the Korean firmware onto a H320 to play videos, but you lose the the ability to play protected wma's (not that that's a big loss

). Video's on an mp3 player are only good for when you have to sit stationary for a few hours and that is all you have to do. I mean mpegs at 15 FPS (surprisingly smooth for only 15 fps) on a 3 inch screen aren't that fun.