Originally Posted by alansmithee
If they use the weapons of terror, they are terrorists. Eliminating the term does nothing for anybody.
It gives us a responsibility to get closer to the truth instead of creating an invisible scapegoat.
Originally Posted by alansmithee
You're right, because I bought a pair of Nikes and don't grow my own food, some nuts set off bombs in London .
This reminds me of the same attitude I saw on fark.com in response to a recent online questionnaire regarding our ecological footprint. Participants could discover how many planets it would take to sustain their lifestyle should everybody live that way. When farkers discovered that it was almost impossible to get the total required planets under 1, they immediately decided that the quiz was "bunk" and dismissed it and made fun of it. I am shocked at how few people are willing to take a moment and reflect.
I lead a lifestyle which contributes to the world climate which created this act of violence. I can still live my life, but I have to consider what I can change about it, and act upon it. I do not feel guilt, however. I know it might be a contradiction, but then that's what I am and I can accept that.
Originally Posted by alansmithee
The world's problems might not all be the terrorists fault, but this boming IS their fault.
I agree. I don't condone such acts.
Originally Posted by alansmithee
I disagree that the west is wholy to blame for the poor situations in many areas in the world. Local leaders/dictators are just as culpable, if not more so. But what I really can't understand is wanting to somehow blame the victims for being the targets of bombings. Your reasoning seems no different than going to a rape victim and telling her "Well, why was your skirt so high?... When people resort to terrorism, I honestly don't care why-they need to be eliminated. Whatever the cause, they are obviously beyond reasoning with. They have given up any claim of sympathy or understanding they might have had previously.
I never said that the west was wholly to blame. Environment is a big part. Consider, however, that some of the local leaders recieve money from western governments to maintain the harmful status quo.
As for the accusation that I blame the rape on the rape victim, if you see the western world as a victim compared to the other %90 of the world, then we will never agree on the basic terms of this discussion. I can't go any further with that line of reasoning.