Originally Posted by pan6467
While yes, in my opinion it does affect the father.... it is opinion. Does it have any affect on the physicality of the father? No, but if the father is that much involved there probably won't be an abortion.
By your definition, fraud, theft, and many other property crimes shouldn't be illegal as well because they dont affect the physicality of anyone.
You twisted what I said into what you wanted to hear.
Seems an exact description of what you're doing.
Ok, so what exactly would be the circumstances you propose to have a trial to "determine if the child's life was deliberately ended"?
The same way any other questionable death is investigated.
Making red cars illegal?????
And the sodomy and RvW I covered you chose to keep that out of your response.
How did I keep them out of my response? The main of my argument revolves around Roe v Wade.
Wrong...... I did the research you must have missed the post where I appologized to Bear but pointed out that the SC does state the state can regulate it.
You are wrong here. I said a local community cannot BAN abortion, which is correct.
Up until the second trimester you are right, after that the state can regulate.
The original message was "you cannot criminalize abortion" I.E. you can't throw the patient or doctor in jail for performing one..... however, it says nothing about having to have a clinic available in your community. You can simply legislate locally what you consider a clinic. I.E. "A clinic must serve the community in emergency situations only."
What about a state? Is it somehow feasible to eliminate all clinics from a state? Not having an abortion facility on every block does not equal banning abortion.
There was some activism, but instead of looking for the loopholes and trying to change local laws so that you don't have an abortion clinic in your town, you would rather blame the courts.
Because ITS THE COURTS FAULT. The ruling in Roe v Wade put this phantom amendment into the constitiution:
No State or Local Government can make a law banning abortion.
No amount of looking for loopholes will get around that. And local laws cannot be changed to ban abortion, because they would be challenged and deemed unconstitutional (unless there was an overturn of Roe v Wade).
Like I said this thread is not about abortion (although I am learning far more about this issue than I ever cared to.) this thread is about legislating from the bench and how BOTH sides do it, just the Right chooses to blame the Left and ignore the fact they want the same thing (Legislation) only different outcomes from the judges.
But you haven't shown where the Right does this. In your marijuana example, the court decided on an issue of federalism. There was no extra law added. There was no activism whatsoever.
I'm not saying that they don't, but you haven't shown an example where the Right has used this tactic. And there are many examples of the Left circumventing the constitution to add laws from the bench.