Yes. Forget all the other, bigger, problems in the world. The word "Brainstorm," which has been around for roughly forever, with no ties to the epileptic condition, is something that should be put to death.
What's more, and on a general note, stop whining about what terms like "Brainstorming" are politically incorrect. There's somebody out there who is offended by something you say or do that's just as ridiculous. I feel that AIMspeak and L337 are travesties of the English language, but I've no more right to tell people to stop as they do me for saying something they find equally inane.
If you're going to be considered an adult in the world at large, if you're going to drive, if you're going to drink, if you're going to vote, if you're going to pick something to be offended about: Grow up. Be an adult. And, for god(dess)'s sake, at least stop whining if you can't do that.