I continue to be shocked by those who would use the term "terrorism" as a noun. I remember the good old days when it was used descriptively. Looks like we're buying what the media's created. Blaming "terrorists" sounds, to my ears, just like saying: "they" did it. When asked who "they" is, I can't imagine, nor have I heard, any intelligent response.
I challenge everyone here to not use the term anymore. It feels like those who would be quick to blame "terrorists," or "Al Qaeda" (whom I confess not to understand the make-up of) are lashing out blindly and in a panic. Does that seem smart to you?
Another thought:
Why is the last thing anyone seems to want to do is examine the reasons why such hatred might be created? Instead, an enemy must be found. Most unthinking people are happy with the word "terrorist," because as long as someone's doing something about "them" then they don't have to do anything, like maybe reduce their consumption, or maybe get educated about food politics, to give two examples at the tip of the iceberg. No, they can go on living their unchallenging life. The world's problems aren't their fault, it's the TERRORISTS" fault!
I don't think it's news to anyone that we in the west hold most of the wealth, and continue to do so off the backs of the other 90% of the world. Well guess what, someone wants it back because maybe their kid died of starvation or was blown up. Would you be angry if you lived in poverty your whole life? Maybe your child was blown-up in front of you? What? It was your grandmother? Would that make you angry? Congratulations. You're one step closer to bombing those you feel are responsible for your family's suffering.
Let's not point fingers without proof. I give thanks that my uncle and his family live in Hull and not London. I'm still waiting to hear from some friends.
I can't even begin to pretend to know who did this or what their motivations were. Please don't presume that you do. Question your proof.
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Warden Gentiles: "It? Perfectly innocent. But I can see how, if our roles were reversed, I might have you beaten with a pillowcase full of batteries."