Going on "the pill" is an idea that I think is taken too lightly. It is not as simple as "take this and you wont get babies". This is a chemical that alters your body chemistry, just like (for example) prozac is a drug that alters your body chemistry. That understood, give the choice to use this as a means of preventing pregnancy the same weight as you would any drug that drasticly alters the way your body functions. Your lack of information on the subject makes me a bit nervous, Tilted is a great resource and you will get very helpful responses like the ones above, but this should not be the end of your research. Read up on its effects, discuss with a doctor any possible complications, and be sure you want to take the risk of it reacting negativly with your body, you might also want to research other means of birth control besides condoms or the pill (there are many). And just to repeat it's only for the prevention of pregnancy, it is important to make sure you are aware of yours and your partner's sexual health. And just to make a worst case scenario, if you or you partner happened to have unprotected sex outside of your relationship, catch an STD and then spread it to the other partner, how would you or they feel? Getting an STD usualy mean having to deal with it for your entire life. Outside of marriage, BC would probably be best used in conjunction with another form of protection. Buying lots of condoms or going on BC or going to a doctor to get tested for STDs seems like a pain in the ass, but honestly, is your safety and health not worth that pain. While sex is and should be fun, there's much responsiblity that goes with it, I'd hate to see a young person like yourself act flippantly to the possible consequences and end up regretting your actions for the rest of your life. be a smart girl, I know you are. This is comming from a friend and nothing more.
Here are some phrases I'd like to be able to say, in all honesty, before I die.
"That's it, send out the ninjas!"
"So then I had to kill my way to the second floor."
Last edited by MEAD; 07-07-2005 at 09:13 PM..