Originally Posted by clavus
England is a tough old broad. You think a couple of little bombs are going to change anything in England? This isn't Spain. The English aren't going to run away. They're going to carry on exactly as they did before the bombings. Oh, and they are going to firmly, but politely kick your miserable, cowadly asses.
Whilst I agree with the sentiments supporting the English people, and Londoners in particular, I think the above comment is a bit unfair to the Spanish.
The Socialist Party, led by José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, had already publicly stated that if elected they would withdraw from Iraq. Opinion polls put them in front before the election. Majority opinion in Spain was against the war.
Of course, the SP gained a greater majority that they would otherwise have enjoyed, primarily due to the mishandling of the case by Aznar, and his lame attempts to blame ETA, but that's not the same as accusing the entire Spanish people of "running away."
If that's the case, I could accuse the Americans of running away from peasant "terrorists" in Vietnam.
I won't, because it's stupid and untrue. Draw your own conclusions and parallels.
Mr Mephisto