i've had a horrible time with some forms of birth control. they put me on the pill at age 14 for other health reasons and i've only been off them for about 5 months (last year) since then. i'm almost 29 now. the first pill made me moody and cranky and downright evil, but then again, that was (gulp!) 14 years ago. geez i'm old. i was on a tri-cyclic pill for about 6 years and didn't like it after awhile, but due to the polycystic ovaries, i had to settle. just started yasmin and i really like it. no mood swings! (my boyfriend likes it, too, since i'm no longer the wicked witch of the west once a month). plus, with yasmin, you only have to have your period once every two to three months.
i broke out in terrible rashes with condoms, but nothings better until you get tested. he prefers pulling out in combination with the b/c pill, but somehow (gee, i don't know why??!!) it's not as satisfying. he doesn't get it.
absolutely talk to your doctor. and find a GOOD one. one that will talk frankly and openly. mine even prescribes antidepressants and monitors you. best way to find one? talk to other doctors and ask who they use. i have a teeny-tiny korean woman who looks like she's in her twenties (and probably is old enough to be my mother) who rocks. make sure you find one who's willing to look at ALL the options. i have a friend who used some rather unorthodox (and nonproactive) methods and her doctor went along with it 5 times and now she's scarred. just be educated.