Birth control pills can cause side effects, depending on the method used - most birth control pills are hormone based, so wheenver you mess around with hormones, strange things (such as personality quirks and emotional outbursts) can happen.
BC Pills are prescription based, you can get them from places such as Planned Parenthood but an exam would be needed first.
Thru Planned Parenthood, I believe it's a pay what you can afford system, so it might be cheaper than condoms, however, you want ot trust the person you are with and ensure that they are using them correctly. If BC Pills are not used correctly, well, a baby is a lot more expensive than a bunch of condoms.
Condoms are there to protect your sexual health as well... in addition to pregnancy prevention, and before you throw away the condoms, you want to make sure that you are free from any STDs as is your partner.
What bears repeating here, and I'm not a parent but I do a pretty good imitation of one.... if you are grown enough to be having sex then you are grown enough to be taking care of your sexual health. I beleive you are female, and you'd have to be over 18 to be here, so if you are sexually active (and based on some other posts of yours you are) you need to get your behind to a doctor and take care of yourself.
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.
Last edited by maleficent; 07-07-2005 at 06:25 PM..