Originally Posted by Daniel_
And another thing.
What sort of shitty excuse for a terrorist organisation sets off a bomb just outside the headquarters of the best medical society in the world?
The headquarters of the BMA is on Tavistock Place, where the bus was bombed. There were several dozen of the most well respected and experienced medics on the planet 20 seconds away from the blast.
How badly can you fuck up a bomb on a bus?
That badly.
I remember hearing stuff like this about Sept 11 and the Bali Bombings. I don't see how detonating it outside the bomb outside the British Medical Association makes it a fuck-up at all. They detonated the bomb, didn't they? It happened so close to the building but I doubt that had much of an impact on the number of people saved or treated, as they were transfered to hospitals around the city anyway. It's hard not to take pot-shots at terrorist groups and it's hard not to mock them to strengthen our resolve and make ourselves feel better, but I don't see how that particular location of the detonation makes much of a difference to the strength or the ability of the terrorists who did this.
I read today that there was a 'controlled detonation' on a device/bag found on a bus in central Edinburgh, but I haven't seen or heard anything about it save for that single sentence. Has anyone heard mention of this?