Originally Posted by host
The message seems to be that, even with the heightened state of national security and alert that hosting the G8 summit brings in these troubled times, the prominent English speaking nation with the most experience dealing with terrorism at home, the UK, could not provide a safe and secure commute to the residents of it's largest city. Are you observing this America ? What can we do to better insure our safety, protect our families our children ?
That's the thing...no matter what we do, no matter how secure we think we are, no matter how many preventative measures we take (limiting personal freedoms, heightened security, more observation) these people are still going to find weaknesses in the system and exploit them. Honestly, there isn't a whole lot we can do to better ensure our safety without trodding on a few amendments.
We can, however, continue to live our lives in a normal fashion despite the presence and possibility of terrorism. We can, however, continue to improve and test the existing systems of security. But we cannot expect to catch anything and everything terrorist-related. The best thing we can do is be prepared and keep our emergency response systems in peak shape while hoping that something like this never happens again (unlikely though that may be).