You know, Egypt, Israel, Lebanon and some others also condemned todays attack. Aside from a couple of state-sponsors (Iran, Sryia), terrorists are a relatively small, select group of extremists.
Terrorists also fall into different categories:
1. political terrorism - employed as a mean to achieve a politcal goal such as independence, autonomy etc. PLO, IRA fall into this category. Typically, only employed until such goal is realized. The American Revolutionaries often used similar tactics against the British and their sympathizers. Use of asymetrical tactics (bombings etc) due to poor material resoures and underarmed against conventional nation-state basd armies. The idea is to use this method to force some sort of negotiation or deal.
2. catastrophic terrorism - the worst kind. Non-negotiable. Usually wants the complete and total destruction of their enemies as an objective. There is no negotiation. They will not stop until they are completely destroyed or their enemies are. Does not distinguish between civilian (innocent) and military or appropriate targets. Everything is fair game. Al-Q'aida falls into this category along with Hamas (sort of) although they have mellowed out a bit.
I can't remember the rest. I took an Anti-Terrorism course at UCLA last summer. It was very interesting to say the least (formal title: POL SCI 121A: US-Foreign Relations- Forming International Coalitions to Combat Terrorism).
Someone asked, how and why do "they" "hate" us so? It's rather complex - political, social, economic. Part of it's the extremist ideology that is indoctrinated among "vulnerable", suscestible people (i.e. - unemployed, idle, uneducated males 17-45). THere is a LARGE pool of this demographic that is especially vulnerable to this ideology. They have nothing to lose. Need someone to blame...classic. Charismatic leaders with the gift of gab can really rouse them into action.
This is not exhaustive, nor necessarily absolute. I just wanted to add to the discussion. I will stop here to keep the post short. I will add more later as I have pages and pages more to add.
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