System Specs:
Windows XP Pro
2500+ Mobile
512 MB Samsung PC 2700 RAM
120 GB IDE Western Digital HDD
asus A7N8x
Alright I went to go install my new Linskey gigabit NIC. After I installed it I went to go boot it back up and got beep codes from the mother board and it didn't post. I shut off the PC and disconnected the two IDE cabels. Boot it back up and it posts just fine. After doing that I assume it isn't a mobo problem. I reconnect everything and get the beep codes again. I unplug the secondary IDE and it recognises my HDD but I get an error saying it didn't pass the media test?

. I unplug and connect back the two IDE cabels and get through BIOS fine. It then locks up at the Windows boot screen and forces me to do a hard restart. After that it boots up and recognizes my HDD as df400 or something similar to that and the POST screen has a big white block in the middle of it. I make sure my connections are tight again and now it boots windows to the logon screen. After I logon it gets stuck at the Windows is starting up screen. And now I am stuck there. It locks up in safe mode, and I cleared the CMOS. This has me baffeled. If it were a mobo problem it probably wouldn't POST, and probably wouldn't boot up the OS. I know it isn't HDD related because I threw it into an enclosure and ran Checkdsk on another PC and it had 0 bad sectors. Any suggestions/ solutions would be greatly appreciated.