Roe v. Wade was upheld by a 6-3, but other issues surrounding abortion weren't that's the only significance of Sandra stepping down. We thought it was pathetic before with the filibuster and "nuclear option". When Bush has to nominate two justices, if not three by the end of his term, they will all be pro-life. I will bet the farm that the Dem's will say that is reason to filibuster, thus conservatives will rattle the sabres and we will all have much to bitch about down the line.
As far as eminent domain goes, I hope I'm not rehashing shit that has been previously said, but I haven't been around in case anybody hasn't noticed (first legitimate employment of my life). At any rate, as far as my constitutional understanding goes, one of the most fundamental things the founding fathers were about was the right to private property. It baffles me as to how and why the Supreme Court is able to rule on the side of something that is a pandora's box of political problems. I mean to me this ruling not only invites the oppurtunity for corruption, it almost encourages it. In my native MN Twin Cities the place is really getting hard core developed especially in the respective down town areas. If some contractors and shit start vying for certain land I won't put it past some fugazee ass state/city council legislating bureaucrates to give them the green light, and that is upsetting.
I mean say what you will about the issues we all constantly bitch about, I'm not delusional, I'm not down with abortion, but I know Roe v. Wade will never get struck down. I know that partial birth abortion and every other issue like that might come into play, but I bet the lower courts will hold on to the decision, the SCOTUS most likely will not hear it. But fucking with property laws really erks me, and to me it's not an issue of left or right, it's just fucked up.
To win a war you must serve no master but your ambition.