a few years back we took our dogs to hollywood & sought out two specific stars to take their pictures by.
alas, i do not know the address for these stars any longer.
<font size="4">but! i have proof that we actually did this tres silly thing.</font>

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/m0us33/hasfurrychildren/rintintin_star.jpg">
poor old guy wasn't thrilled to be there, plus he never liked his picture snapped.
sadly, he's gone to be with Rin Tin Tin at the big all-you-can-eat steak house in the sky.
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/m0us33/hasfurrychildren/lassie_star.jpg">
this guy has to wait a few more years yet before he meets Lassie on cloud 9.