BUt Host, you do raise a good point I think. I recall the Clinton years when Asian firms also hired lobby firms to "gain influence". I think the Lippo Group and some others.
In my opinion, that's exactly what makes the debate/discussion interesting. That is, things aren't static, they change all the time.
Pan, do you remember the Clinton years? I'm a bit hazy but I seem to recall the GOP calling out the Dems and Clinton Admin on it (I think). I created quite a stir and even affected Asian-Americans trying to assert their own political ambitions (sadly, Americans don't differentiate between Asians and Asian-Americans).
There's just too many variables, too many possibilitites at play to apply one singular monolithic brush and paint things a certain way. Maybe a business transaction really is a business transaction. Or perhaps there is a double standard or something insidious going on.
Host, maybe the "liberal" media didn't jump on it cause it's tired of getting burned all the time so it's being more "cautious" (selective?). Given the past few years, I could see why.
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