New evidence suggests that board member has committed mass murder!
Jinnkai? Tell me that that isn't inflammatory, and i'll buy your thesis. The title is clearly making a statement, and it's not just about fact. It's about framing the issue. It is about taking data about arousal, and making a moral statement concerning it.
Astro: I read the whole article. If you want to parse my grammer and not read my content, that's fine. But what you're doing here is a disservice to the discussion. You don't start with a question. You started with an insulting and inflammatory statement that i don't respect because it has nothing to do with how men actually experience and identify bisexuality. Some of this identification has to do with social pressure, and many men transition in to homosexual idenitification. But there is such a thing as male bisexuality. I'm living it. And if you wanted to know something about it...there are several of us here you could have asked. You didn't.
I'm attacking the messenger for the content that you're responsible for. Also...if you ever think that it's okay to tell me from across the internet what my sexual orientation is again...i will know that you are simply not worth talking to. That sort of armchair pyschology crap is insulting...but mostly to the person who's trying to get away with it.
For God so loved creation, that God sent God's only Son that whosoever believed should not perish, but have everlasting life.
-John 3:16