So many movies, so much to hate....
Not a movie but a hugely hyped mini-series on Sci - Fi the Spielberg produced "Taken". I realize its doesn't really fit the thread but I was so utterly pissed at how horrible it was I just had to mention it.
With more relevance - "Akira" - a japanese anime that seemed to just consist of lots of yelling of the major characters names and giant tub of goo on a rampage. Overhyped, confusing garbage. Give me "BladeRunner" any day.
Anything by M. Night Shamalamadingdong. Yeah, I got that "The Village" was actually a community shut off from modern society about fifteen minutes in. How did I know? Because every M. Night movie has a "Twilight Zonian" twist and that was the most logical. Once you know there is a twist it doesn't take a genius to figure out what said twist is and then the rest of the movie just meanders along waiting to reveal what I already know. I knew the comic book guy would be the "evil enemy" in the "Unbreakable" and I knew Brucie was dead in "6th Sense". They're alright viewing fair but I don't find them great.
"Saving Private Ryan" - I never cared if Ryan was saved or if Tom Hanks got out alive. I can't really explain why. I usually love war movies but I never got into it. I found myself bored and ready to leave halfway through. Maybe it just needed R. Lee Ermy....
"Blair Witch" - Poorly shot drivel.
"Out of Africa" - I considered suicide a quarter of the way through.
"Master and Commander" - Would have rather watched "Love Boat".
2nd and 3rd "Matrix" films - such a promising beginning....
Thousands of Monkeys, all screaming at once. Pulling God's finger.