If China and the USSR were to start demanding payment it would destroy us. Mephisto said it best, we are a declining nation. We have no manufacturing, we rely far too much on imports and we have a vast population that believes this to be ok. Most of them don't care as long as prices are cheap or truly just don't care and think the debt and all the implications will go away because, "noone would ever want to bankrupt us, it would hurt their economies more."
I don't see it hurting their economies. China for instance has its own market now, the Pacific Rim and Australia along with the Middle East no longer need our money. Except for nukes we are becoming a third world nation fast. Education is free falling, infrastructure is being largely ignored, we keep increasing trade and domestic deficits and believe nothing will happen, we are trying to reneg on Social Security, we tell companies it is ok to raid their pensions and fuck those who need the money, we are bankrupting ourselves with exponentially price increases in medical care, and we are spending billions upon billions on a war with no ending.
Countries don't have to take over our government, all they have to do is keep buying our businesses up and they will control us.
There's the cry that if people start losing their jobs and making less that companies will decrease their prices. True, companies will make things cheaper but eventually what the past and present show is that they will cut jobs, ship manufacturing overseas and eventually just sell to a foreign company or just merge in a leveraged buyout and really cut domestic jobs and move overseas.
The greed of the executives is destroying us.
Use the BoA/MBNA buyout as an example. $35 BILLION and the first thing they are going to do is cut AT LEAST 6,000 jobs probably more. Now, don't you think they could buy the company for $34 billion and with that extra billion develop jobs for those they are firing? Ah, but why should we subsidize others to find jobs????? Fuck them, doesn't affect us. Freeloaders, why should a company be made to make sure those they fire find jobs of equal quality and pay?
Fuck the tax bases of these companies that leave and the employees that lose their jobs. As long as Bush and the GOP keep cutting those taxes, even if we can't afford it and deficit spend trickle down economics will do just that...... take the lake of money and trickle it down in drips.
SO let's keep buying our imports and selling our companies and shipping jobs overseas and fucking the tax bases and blaming people that try to bring some sanity and want to protect our economy.
Let's laugh at the deficit and never expect any country to come in and try to dictate to our heavily indebted nation what we should do.
Let's keep believing as we watch our soldiers underequipped and expected to buy their own gear fight in a neverending war, as our friends China, Saudi, Japan, Russia, start figuring out how to divide the pie.
Let's watch as our tax base becomes depleted and we have talking heads of 1 party laugh telling everyone that it's ok. That having the Chinese, Germans, Japanese, Russians, British, Saudis and so on buy up our companies is good for our economy.... that they would never interfere with our government.....
Let's watch as we become a colony for all the countries we had huge trade deficits with and laughed at thinking the debt would never be collected...... as we become colonies and our dollar is useless.
I just love people who use the excuse "I use/do this because I LOVE the feeling/joy/happiness it brings me" and expect you to be ok with that as you watch them destroy their life blindly following. My response is, "I like to put forks in an eletrical socket, just LOVE that feeling, can't ever get enough of it, so will you let me put this copper fork in that electric socket?"