Originally Posted by Ruse
Martin, its not saying that 100% of bisexual men are really homosexual. Its simply saying that in this study it seems that men are much more arroused by one sex or the other. Dont be offended by it...
No one can tell you what you feel.
I'm not worried that an article is going to destroy my idenity. I know what i think, feel, and how my sexual idenity is a part of me. Well...i know about as much as the next person does. Which is to say enought for day to day operation and a reasonable certainty, but still leaving enough to think about and post in tilted sexuality from time to time.
What i'm bitching about is that someone feels that its okay to post this article under a title that makes a patently false accusation about an already tread upon minority group. I don't think that should be acceptable to this community. And i'm saying as much. Offended has nothing to do with it. This is about my opinion about what the standards of the community ought to be, and sharing that opinion.