I think the article rightly points out a lot of the flaws in the study, not to mention interpretation of the study. I thought this sentence was interesting, though:
"Regardless of whether the men were gay, straight or bisexual, they showed about four times more arousal" to one sex or the other, said Gerulf Rieger, a graduate psychology student at Northwestern and the study's lead author."
If they're showing four times as much to one or the other, that presumes that they must be showing at least
some arousal to the non-preferred sex; I know shit about statistics, but if you're showing 4X=Y, doesn't X have to be nonzero for Y to be nonzero? Doesn't that sort of suggest the old assertion that everyone's bisexual to some extent - even just a leeeetle - rather than that people fall into a strictly binary pattern?
I'd be interested to see what fMRI studies showed - you'd think that would capture a more complex picture than just whether your dick gets hard or not.