Originally Posted by brian1975
Nice reviews!
Its a shame about the yellow jersey crashing so close to the finish line today, was only a matter of time before lance had it anyway. I get up every morning to watch the tour on OLN, have been following it (only cycling event i follow!? doh) for about 8 years now. I was hoping that this year would finally bring us a new champion, no offence to lance and his money. Ullrich was my hope, now all i have to watch is when mayo hopefully will give lance a run in the mountains. Not so sure that Basso is up for a repeat of last year.
Yeah, I'll be ready to see someone else win it, but not this year. I really do want to see Lance go out on top. He's done so much for cycling in the States, is such a great story, and is just an overall badass on the bike. It's fun watching him slaughter all comers

But here's hoping for some great attacks, both from Armstrong and others. Definitely makes the race more interesting to watch.
I really wish Damiano Cunego hadn't come down with mono during the Giro. I was looking to him to add some excitement to the Tour, but he made the right choice in sitting it out.