Who cares now, 8 months after Rove got Bush re-elected???
this is the right's line on everything that this administration has done, isnt it?
on the war in iraq, on conflict of interest within the administration, on rove...
the advantage of this line is that it enables supporters of the administration to act as though they already knew about this story and to declare that knowledge irrelevant to themselves and everyone else. reading it is lilke encountering some new kind of teflon, some new and improved no stick surface. with it, conservatives can almost encounter aspects of reality that they do not like--they can almost deal with it--but no worries, in the end, like all other dissonant information, these pesky bits of unpleasant reality just slide right off.
what's even better in powerclown's post in general is that you also get duplicity modelled as a sporting event---well yes, we lied, well tyes we broke these measly laws that are binding to others but not to conservative ubermenschen in positions of power---but so what? we kept you from finding out until after the election. ha ha. you loose.
so once again, the conservative line on personal responsibility turns out to be a line that conservatives only apply to other people--for their boy, anything goes.
the bushpeople exercize a politics of impunity--and no matter where the administration goes, a segment of the fox news set loyally follows.
it must be getting more difficult to maintain the fantasyworld that is right ideology--the mechanisms for defending it against an unpleasant reality are becoming more extreme. maybe somewhere there is a sense of crisis--but you surely woudl never know that reading posts or in conversation with elements of the foxnews set---for them, everything is cool and the politics of impunity is a kind of flinstone powertrip.