Originally Posted by maleficent
There is absolutely nothing sexual about this exam at all... so I'm not sure the gender of the doctor matters... However, all of my gyn's have been male. and it's purely because i liked them better. I tried going to two different female doctors, and they both had major personality flaws (incredibly abrubt, didn't listen to me, didnt hear me when they were listening, and discounted a lot of what I said) I did not find those same charachteristics in the male doctors I have been to.
However, all my doctors have been older (than me which makes them ancient) I think I'd get a little skeeved out by a young good looking male doctor - -even though I know it's purely professional... eh-- I prefer my doctors like Dr Welby thank you.,
The jollies thing was just a joke. :P People may feel more comfortable with one or the other gender though. I've heard a lot of women like female gynos more.
Snowy: I can't feel comfortable with anyone playing with my balls, or sticking things up my tunnel of stinky destruction in a non-sexual way no matter who it is. :P I'm slightly less comfortable with a guy doing it though. 
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Last edited by Suave; 07-04-2005 at 09:19 PM..