Originally Posted by mercury-hg
plenty of other mp3 players on the market do this now for less $$, better sound quality, and no ties to proprietary format. iRiver, iAudio, etc
What proprietary format? You mean the vastly superior (and still very much in its infancy) AAC format? You have the option of encoding them into the piss-poor MP3 format if you so desire. There is even a LAME MP3 plugin for iTunes, but its still inferior to AAC. On the note of sound quality, it is a complete moot point. I guarantee you cannot hear a difference between iPod and some other piece of shit player when it is being used in its environment. Who really uses an iPod or some other audio player as a dedicated listening source? That's the only way one could reveal any differences. Take them both out into the world, downtown with car noise, riding a bike to work, etc.... you won't hear a bit of difference. iPod still has the ease of use going for them too over pretty much any other player out there. Look at any of its competitors and you see a mass of buttons. Look at iPod and you have a click wheel that doubles as a volume and scroller, basic transport functions (play, fast forward, rewind, etc....) and a select button. It couldn't be easier.