Originally Posted by stevo
I didn't know the news that the war would last years is new news. I (and I thought most everyone) was at least under the assumption that troops would be needed in Iraq for at least a decade. When did anyone ever say it would take shorter? Thats one reason there has been no timeline proposed, ever. If anyone thought we'd be out of iraq before 2010 they're fooling themselves.
I guess that the analysis of the professional charged by the world's most respected, English language news network has to have it wrong, if you have it right, stevo.
Last Updated: Wednesday, 12 November, 2003, 20:04 GMT
Bush 'set on' handover in Iraq
Paul Bremer faces the press after the White House talks
Bremer flew in from Iraq at short notice
America's administrator in Iraq has said he is returning from Washington with a message that President George W Bush remains set on transferring power.....
........Peter Biles, the BBC's world affairs correspondent, reports from Baghdad that whilst members of the US-led coalition have never said it openly, they have always wanted to be out of Iraq by the end of 2004.