Originally Posted by tecoyah
I firmly believe there is deception underlying much of the politics/government we see daily. Lacking the information to form a qualified opinion on what is "Really" happening, I tend to err on the side of caution. This leads me to distrust my Leaders on a Federal level, and makes me somewhat worried for what the future holds.
I disagree with you. I watch our government at work on a daily basis, being yet another cog in the machine. I think that there is probably a LOT more idealism at work in our government than you give it credit for. I know that I signed up not for the money (which is 1/10th of what I'd reasonably be expected to make outside of Tha G) or for the power (which is beyond fleeting) but rather out of a genuine desire to do what I do for the good of the People. And rest assured, what I do IS for the EXCLUSIVE good of the People.
Of course, I just see "my little corner"...but I know a lot of people, and the opportunistic assholes are most definitely a rarity from what I've seen with my own eyes.